The Explorers Series

Ahoy there!

We're Melissa J. Roche, Ressa Draco, and Gabriel M. James, a family of authors from Colorado and the creative trio behind the Explorers Series of adventure novels for kids. Read more about us here!

Our first book, The Curse of the Crow, was published in November 2023, and our second book, The Treasure of the Island, is out now as of July 1, 2024!

The Curse of the Crow is out now! Find your "caw"-py here

Available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook

And don't miss the amazing "sea"-quel, The Treasure of the Island! Available in paperback, ebook and audiobook here

Listen to it on audiobook!

readers are loving our books!

A.H., age 10

"Did you ever read a book and it's so good you get like sucked into the world? I had that happen with Harry Potter, and then I had it happen with your book. I can't wait for the next one! How many are you going to write? Like, seven?"

L. C., age 8

"L started reading your book and didn’t stop till he’d finished it a few hours later. He loved it!"

Can you help us out by writing a review?

Bookstores and online sellers like to see reviews in order to sell our book to their readers, and every little bit of feedback helps us out in planning our next book! Thanks in advance!

set sail with us!

Check out our cool projects below, and sign up for our newsletter to stay updated!

Explorers #1

Prepare your Potions, Buckle your Swashes... Adventure Awaits!

Set sail with Captain Gabriel and the crew to explore a world of magical unicorns, "macguffin" flowers, cursed crows, hilarious jokes, and more! 

Status: Out now! Buy it here or direct from the publisher

10% of author proceeds support our school library!

"Is this book about anti-gravity? Because I couldn't put it down!" - Elliot the Cook

Explorers #2

Is the hidden treasure of Tesoro Island legend... or legit?

Dragon prince Fuego and the rest of Cap's new friends are setting off find the elusive treasure of Tesoro Island, even if only to save it from the greedy clutches of Master Ellen and the wizards! But the island has secrets of its own... 

Status: Out now! Buy it here or direct from the publisher

"You're gonna wanna see how it all pans out." - Elliot the Cook, on behalf of Panny the magical frying pan

about us

Meet the Author Crew!

Melissa J. Roche

Melissa J. Roche enjoys writing books with anyone who has an imagination, spelling words and reciting pi with Cap, and practicing Shotokan karate and playing video games with Ressa.

Ressa Draco

Ressa Draco has been practicing martial arts ever since she discovered her arms, about 9 years ago now. When she's not slicing grass in the backyard with sticks, she loves to read all the books and defend all the animals.

Gabriel M. James

(Cap'n) Gabriel M. James has gone on many adventures in the last 11 years, so he's quite good at it. Away from the helm, he's a runner, inline skater & musician, fond of fuzzy things, especially of the purring variety.

the making of

How did our triple-author, multiple ages, creative collaboration work? Read our blog post for our book's exciting origin story!

Read it here

an excerpt

In which Ressa the Defender teaches Captain Gabriel how to swordfight.

Crow excerpt

Want more Cap & Ressa? The Curse of the Crow, Explorers Book 1, and The Treasure of the Island, Explorers Book 2, are out now in paperback, audiobook and ebook. And be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get the latest updates on our creative adventures.